After what feels like forever, most pubs have reopened and now that barbecues and picnics are in full flow, there's no better time for Salcombe Brewery to launch their vegan and gluten free pale ale, ‘Sun Drop’. Using a blend of American hops, ‘Sun Drop’ has a fruity, citrusy aroma of melon, orange and pink grapefruit, mmmm lovely! It's absolutely guaranteed to pack a punch and quench the thirst. Although proudly gluten free and vegan friendly, this dry-hopped ale is simply bursting with all the flavour you would expect from a regular ale. Of course it is tops when drunk on its own, but it is also delicious when served with food, including for example, a sweet potato curry or barbequed marinated vegetables. Ale lovers, you will be delighted, I promise. "BEER IS PROOF THAT GOD LOVES US AND WANTS US TO BE HAPPY" - Benjamin Franklin Owner of Salcombe Brewery, John Tiner says, “We’ve spent a considerable time creating the perfect gluten free and vegan friendly beer using the finest ingredients. We want as many people as possible to enjoy our beer and ‘Sun Drop’ has made this possible. It’s been a difficult few months for the brewery industry and its trade customers; we’re delighted that pubs and restaurants are getting back to normal. We are very grateful to our household customers who have been extremely supportive by purchasing our beer and Ocean Cider from our online shop for nationwide delivery or making use of our free local delivery.” Keep reading for more info on other delights available from Salcombe Brewery - look below the images.... A FINE BEER MAY BE JUDGED WITH ONLY ONE SIP, BUT IT'S BETTER TO BE THOROUGHLY SURE - Czech Proverb
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AuthorI'm Gilly, award winning journalist /author of 13 books. Credits incl: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, CNN, BBC mags, The Scotsman, Daily Express, Country & Town House, Metro, Countryfile, Tatler, trade & consumer cruise titles etc. Lifestyle Categories