atlas of forgotten places
by travis elborough
Journey to abandoned destinations around the globe
Mysterious, sleeping monuments around the world have been relegated to the margins of history, pushed off the map and out of sight. The Atlas of Forgotten Places gives you the chance to explore the places forgotten by time. The pages tell of ancient ruins and crumbling castles, strange, overlooked worlds which have largely, or so it seems, disappeared.
This book is eye-opening. The author, Travis Elborough, says "This is a compendium of the misplaced and neglected. Ruins, ancient and modern, beautiful and ugly and in varying states of appreciation and restoration. Abandonment is not a cause to give up all hope, but the opposite if anything, to encourage us to think lomger and harder about the world to come and what might be worth salvaging from the wreckage."
It's a fabulous book, bursting with facts and places I'd never before come across. Dilapidated destinatiions in Corsica include the Grand Hotel de la Foret, while the Journeys Ended section has a fascinating review about Suakin in Sudan. It's a book to refer to, to enlighten and heighten your geographical knowledge. I give it a resounding 5 out of 5 stars.
Go buy it! Publishers: White Lion Publishing, an imprnt of The Quarto Group.
RRP £20
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Mysterious, sleeping monuments around the world have been relegated to the margins of history, pushed off the map and out of sight. The Atlas of Forgotten Places gives you the chance to explore the places forgotten by time. The pages tell of ancient ruins and crumbling castles, strange, overlooked worlds which have largely, or so it seems, disappeared.
This book is eye-opening. The author, Travis Elborough, says "This is a compendium of the misplaced and neglected. Ruins, ancient and modern, beautiful and ugly and in varying states of appreciation and restoration. Abandonment is not a cause to give up all hope, but the opposite if anything, to encourage us to think lomger and harder about the world to come and what might be worth salvaging from the wreckage."
It's a fabulous book, bursting with facts and places I'd never before come across. Dilapidated destinatiions in Corsica include the Grand Hotel de la Foret, while the Journeys Ended section has a fascinating review about Suakin in Sudan. It's a book to refer to, to enlighten and heighten your geographical knowledge. I give it a resounding 5 out of 5 stars.
Go buy it! Publishers: White Lion Publishing, an imprnt of The Quarto Group.
RRP £20
return to main index HERE